Monday, February 2, 2009

Field Trip - Imax - Wild Oceans, Lewis and Clark

This week instead of an Astronomy lesson we had a field trip to the IMAX Theater. Alicia, always cognizant of the adventure factor in children, chose to travel light rail. Owen, too small for home school, but not for fun, was rampt up on being able to ride the train as well as being in the company of three older boys. Josh, always such a little guardian, added an extra set of eyes on Owen. This was Jordan's first field trip. He joined the PACT home school program just a week ago.

We arrived a little early downtown and I was glad. I had been in such a hurry to be ready that I was warm when we left and therefore neglected to bring a coat or sweater, bad idea, it was cold outside. Brennan sidled up to me and tried to get me a little warmer. Such a sweet grandson thinking of his grandmama like that.
We had time to dart into a Starbucks and grab an apple chai. M,m,m,m,m so tasty and warm. Strolled back to the IMAX theater, went in and explored the theater. The other parents slowly trickled in and we discovered how fortunate it was that had chosen to go light rail vs car. Evidently, there was a wine convention taking place and all of the parking lots were full. In addition there was an active air and land pursuit by the police. One of the mothers had arrived in time for the movie but was unable to locate parking and therefore did not make it into the theater until half way through the first movie. I took some pictures, but most of them have the head of the lady in front of me in them.

The first movie was about The Wild Ocean and was in 3-D. Owen did not like it because the volume was up too loud and it hurt his ears. The actual film was quite enjoyable. The colour, clarity and content was amazing, not to mention the photography .
This picture shows an aerial view of a shoal of sardines. (the large dark spot)

The second movie was about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It has been many years since I studied American History so there was much I had forgotten. Not only did the movie stimulate the past memories to come to the surface, but I also learned some new things.
The boys enjoyed the movie as well, which was made evident by their silence during the show.

When it came to the part where the expedition heard a roaring thunderous noise as they crested a hill, I imagined myself there and how I would have responded. More than likely with the same amazement that was on their faces at the sight of a sea of buffalo crossing the plains.

I do not think I ever stopped to consider the amount of or the proximity of Indian nations to one another, but seen on a huge theater screen it was overwhelming.
In school I do not remember Sacagawea as being given such a significant role in the expedition. This movie pointed out that had she not been a part of the expedition it may have failed or at the very least not succeeded as well as it did. Only about 16 years old and pregnant, she played a huge integrable role. She was a guide, interpreter, finder of edible foods, save valuable items when one of the canoes overturned and helped to procur horses from her brother during an important part of the journey.

Here is a link with more info on her:

The trials the expeditions endured were not part of my American History lessons. Watching the men carry the canoes up hills and over land made me appreciate some of the conveniences we have today as well as the trials our ancestors endured to get us were we are today.This is a link I found with a little more info on the expedition:

Inspired by the Handbook of Nature Blog, we took the time to study the trees that were planted along the street, during our walks downtown. Most of the trees were in their winter slumber, but the evidence of their awakening moment s from last year were littered upon the ground. We all stopped to examine the the seed pods and shed leaves. Owen seemed to be fascinated by the gumball seed pods and wanted to carry them around. Since the pigeons had left their mark on most of what we saw we discouraged him from doing so.
While riding the train back home we discussed the events of the day. The boys each had their favourite parts of the movies and it was fun to share them.
All in all it was a delightful day!

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